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Best Way to Choose a Deck Contractor in Northern, VA

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The best way to choose a deck contractor in Northern, VA is usually by word of mouth. Check with your friends, neighbors, or co-workers for recommendations for a deck contractor. Make sure they have used the deck contractor before or know someone who has. A deck contractor’s reputation with former clients is the best judgment of their work.

Be sure to ask a lot of questions of those who recommend a particular deck contractor in Northern, VA including—

  • Were they easy to work with?
  • Were you given a free estimate?
  • Did the contractor stay within the estimated cost, and if not, the reason for the difference?
  • Did the contractor start the project on time and finish it within the allotted time frame. If not, why?
  • Was the contractor’s crew respectful to you and your family? Did they clean up after themselves each day they were on the job?
  • Was the contractor flexible on any changes you made and easy to work with to adjust the costs?
  • Would they hire the deck contractor again?

Once you get a few recommendations, check to see if the deck contractor has a website and browse through the reviews from other customers. Go for a drive and check out some of the decks the contractor has built in your area of Northern, VA.

Call a few of the deck contractors and ask them questions before setting up an appointment.

  • Who handles getting the permits?
  • Who contacts the public utilities to have the underground lines marked?
  • Ask for referrals, and if you can, visit a site they are currently working in Northern, VA.
  • When can they start and when can you expect them to be finished?
  • Are they licensed and insured?

Once you decide on a particular deck contractor, you should ask them to come to your property site in Northern, VA and discuss all the details including—

  • Does the deck contractor’s estimate include all details for your deck in Northern, VA?
  • Does it list all the materials and quantities of each that is needed for your particular deck in Northern, VA?
  • Does it list the start time and finish?

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