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How Wood Deck Repair Brings Back the Brilliance of your Deck in Manassas, VA

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Has your deck seen too many summers with no tender loving care? A neglected deck, summer after summer, can end up being an eyesore eventually and quite possibly, unsafe. The best way to keep your deck at your home in Manassas, VA looking great and safe is to periodically do a full thorough assessment and perform any needed wood deck repair. Anything that needs to be replaced, such as decking board and railings should be replaced as soon as possible. Any nail pops should be nailed down or replaced with screws. Nail pops can be extremely spiteful if you catch one on your feet or toes. Ouch!

Whereas nail pops always seem to happen, most people in Manassas, VA use screws these days and have fewer issues. Whenever you have to replace decking boards or railings as part of your wood deck repairs, it is usually the result of neglecting to properly clean and apply a new fresh coat of paint or stain to preserve the wood for your deck. Some wood deck repairs can be easily avoided if you properly maintain your wooden deck on a regular basis.

These are some of the things you can do to your deck to avoid future wood deck repair at your home in Manassas, VA. Bring back the brilliance of your deck by following these steps—

To start this project at your home in Manassas, VA, you should either borrow or rent a pressure washer if you do not already own one. It is well worth the money to scour away dirt that has ingrained into the wood of your deck. Protect your outside plants by covering them with plastic so that the chemicals you use will not harm your plants.

  • Clean the deck railings—Use a stripper and power wash the railings. Make sure to keep at least 6 to 10 inches away from the wood—work from top to bottom.
  • Wash the decking boards—Use a gentle sweeping motion and spray each board separately from one end to the other, keeping the spray 6 to 10 inches away from the wood. Avoid sudden stops, and afterward, rinse the entire deck with a garden hose.
  • Clean debris between decking boards—Take a putty knife and dig out any trapped debris between each decking board.

Be sure and clean off any overspray from the stripper chemicals used with the power washer from your siding and windows with clean water at low pressure. You can use a deck brightener that will make the wood more receptive to stain. Using a fan tip with a 45-degree angle and the pressure to about 1,000 psi, spray the deck and rails the same as you did with the stripper. Apply just enough to wet the wood thoroughly. Be sure and wash off the siding of any overspray. 

Before applying a coat of paint or stain, be sure to fix any loose decking boards, replace nails with corrosion-resistant screws. Once you are done with any wood deck repairs, you are ready to either stain or paint your deck.

These extra steps will avoid many additional wood deck repairs in the future at your home in Manassas, VA. If you are not up to the regular maintenance for your deck, call the experts at Hal Co Fence and allow this great team to periodically exam your deck and perform all the needed wood deck repairs for your property in Manassas, VA to keep it looking brilliant.

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