In most parts of Northern Virginia, there are regulations about putting up fences.
Depending on your Northern Virginia neighborhood, the rules for fencing may be more or less strict. The rules for side and rear fences are likely to be different to the rules for front fences. In Alexandria, there are different rules for corner lot fences.
Historic districts have different rules again. In the case of a historic district it possibly you will not be permitted to put up a fence where there was not one before, and if repairing or replacing a fence you may be required to make the fence appear identical to the existing fence, possibly even being required to use the exact same materials.
Sometimes a \”historic\” fence may not be what we imagine it — an unusual or rustic wooden fence or an ornate iron fence. A historic fence may be something as simple as a chain link fence if that was the style of fence installed when the home was built.
In Alexandria, proposals for fences in historic districts are reviewed by the Board of Architectural Review (BAR). In some cases, the rules apply to structures, including fences, that can be visible from a public way, and some rule apply regardless of visibility from a public way.
To avoid disappointment, before choosing a fence, it is important to make sure that the style and location you propose will fit with the local zoning laws, historic preservation regulations and that it does not encroach on a public right of way.
Hal Co Fences and Decks have experience in a wide range of fence designs and work with all fence materials. We are able to consult with you on a fence that will meet your local regulations as well as satisfy the fence purpose and aesthetic you desire.