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Vinyl Fences in Gainesville, VA and What you Should Know

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If you are contemplating installing a new vinyl fence on your property in Gainesville, VA, you should know a few things. Vinyl fences are some of the most durable, aesthetically pleasing, and extremely easy to maintain, making them an excellent choice for your next fence in Gainesville, VA. Here are some interesting things you should know about vinyl fences.

Once you install a new vinyl fence at your home in Gainesville, VA, and adequately care for it, your fence could last you up to sometimes twenty or thirty years. Some vinyl fences come with a lifelong warranty because it is built to last.

Vinyl fences are environmentally sound. Although manmade, vinyl comes from natural sources and does not use fossil fuels during its manufacturing. PVC is recyclable.

Unlike wooden fencing, vinyl fencing is impervious to pests. This is one of the features that will make it last for a long, long time. Insects can\’t burrow, chew, or scratch through vinyl fences\’ tough material, making this an excellent choice for your next fencing project at your home in Gainesville, VA.

Vinyl fences can withstand wet and dry climates. Harsh sun and the dry winds will cause wooden fencing to dry out and discolor and iron fencing to become scratched. Wet weather will cause wood to rot and warp and iron to rust. When you choose a vinyl fence for your home in Gainesville, VA, you are making a good choice by avoiding problems due to the climate. The strong materials of vinyl fences make it waterproof, and dust and dirt can be easily cleaned off with just soap and water with no scratches or stains.

Another thing you should know is that vinyl fences self extinguish. These fences can burn, but most have a flashpoint of 500 degrees Fahrenheit, so they don\’t easily ignite. If you held a flame up to vinyl fencing, it would burn, but the fence will self-extinguish itself once the flame is removed.

If you want more information on vinyl fences for your home in Gainesville, VA, call the experts at Hal Co Fence. They will be glad to answer all of your questions.

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