Homeowners in Springfield, VA who live on a busy highway, in a high traffic area, or in a noisy neighborhood with lots of children and animals are constructing wood fences on their property to block out different noises.
A wood fence that serves as a noise or sound barrier for your home in Springfield, VA typically uses thick tongue-and-groove boards to form a solid barrier. These wood fence boards are nailed to heavy rails supported by heavy posts. As a rule, mass dampens sounds best, so to build a wood fence that serves the purpose of blocking sounds out rather it is traffic or children, the fencing needs to be of a heavier material.
Ways to Sound Proof a Wooden Fence
For the wood fence to provide a noise barrier, you should aim for a fence that is high and solid with no gaps between the boards at your Springfield, VA home.
Apply mass-loaded vinyl while the fence is being constructed on your property in Springfield, VA. The posts and rails form the frame of a wooden fence. The frame is where you staple the mass-loaded vinyl. By overlapping the sheets you form a more solid barrier. Calk any seems with acoustical caulk. Attach the wooden panels to each side of your wood fence so that the mass-loaded vinyl is sandwiched in between the panels.
Planting trees and shrubs can absorb enough sound to be useful pieces for your noise-barrier project. The plants can be grown either in front of the fence or in back of it or both. Evergreen shrubs or trees are best beings they provide a noise reduction year round at your Springfield, VA home.
Another way to sound proof a wood fence on your property in Springfield, VA is what is called “white noise” items which is fighting noise with noise. They don’t reduce the noise but they can mask some undesirable noise such as traffic and yelling kids with a more enjoyable sound. The best way to do this is with an outside water fountain. The sound of the gurgling water is relaxing and serves the purpose of masking noises as well.